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Old 05-24-2021, 08:00 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Sure, we can disagree on whether we believe global warming to be real or not, in part due to the conflicting data & evidence presented. But there’s no denying increasing pollution to be a serious problem.

When you throw things away, there is no away. That plastic bag that you may have put in the proper receptacle could have been windswept off a landfill into the ocean.

There’s great companies that offer no plastic packaging, like Sappo Hill bar soaps, which are also toxin free & not individually packaged.

There are a few supermarkets around the world that offer the use of bringing your own containers to refill products and close the loop a little more to create less waste.

As described in the following video, you can’t run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely. We’d need 4 to 5 planets worth of resources, if we kept consuming at the current rates & incineration creates the following super toxin problem:

Using less is the solution:

Last edited by Galvatron1; 05-25-2021 at 07:00 AM..
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