oil pan 4 --Keep your quoting concise.
Galvatron1 -- No. You are wrong on Internet.
Earth has always had natural cycles of warming and cooling, but not like we’re seeing now. The top five hottest years on record are 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2014.
280 PPM CO
2 was an historical low. Things are getting better for the plants we depend on.
An overwhelming 97% of scientists agree that climate change is being caused by human greenhouse gas emissions. There is no meaningful debate about the basic science of climate change.
Why do you disparage debate?
Have you accounted for
Milankovitch Cycles and the
Beaufort Gyre?
Having watched the debate swing from Ice Age in the 1970s to Global Warming to Climate Change today I think the best strategy is infrastructure that can tolerate the extremes in both directions. In fact being able to tolerate Space Weather should be the goal.
It's all happened before! The CIA has known since the 1970s