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Old 06-10-2021, 08:04 PM   #75 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Charlie Cheap View Post
Here in Texas lawmakers are looking at adding a tax for EV due to no road tax on electricity. Looking at disposal of old batteries, the environmental problems with making them, and other unforeseen problems, I am not sure we will gain as much as we thought switching.
Let's suppose EVs were so great at all, for instance decreasing noticeably the incidence of respiratory diseases in places where they eventually become mainstream. Then, wouldn't it make sense to not charge them some road tax equivalent?

I think other countries are the true problem...
Other countries where the comparably much higher initial cost for so many energy-saving tech prevent them from becoming mainstream end up having a harsher challenge when it comes to air pollution. For instance those places in Asia where small motorcycles outnumber cars. Considering the 4-stroke gasser engines for both cars and motorcycles operate under the very same principles, it's quite pointless how much more lenient are the emission rules for motorcycles, even more nowadays that economics of scale led EFI to become mainstream on cars and to increase the availability of technical assistence.

but we should keep looking at improving our power sources.
Improving not only the power sources, but also how they perform, is a good approach.
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