I'm just saying that the industrial complex of meat is not a good thing.
It seems best that we not support it.
Eat less meat. Eat free-range, sustainable, organic, etc as much as possible.
YES, cheese comes from the same industrial complex, but I don't feel it's as harmful to our society as commercial meat is.
Really, we could all cut back on cheese too!
The eggs I have been eating for some time come from an amature organic farmer who goes to my mom's church. It is amazing the difference between these and "commercial" eggs.
Seriously, they have done studies on the omega fatty acids in "real" eggs. They are as good for you as fish!
That's real food. Not something that comes out of a factory farm system.
We also got an organic "meat sampler pack" earlier this summer from a fairly local farmer. It wasn't delivered to me on the day I expected, because the farmer was too busy delivering a calf right then. Sounds like my kind of farmer, to put the animals first like that.
When I visited the farm, there really were happy cows out in a field munching grass.
The meat was very good. We felt a lot better about it. And our food dollars went directly to actual people in the community instead of a giant agri-business.