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Old 06-18-2021, 06:23 PM   #198 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
Please be directed to # 191 permalink, where I've listed areas of discussion which would be candidates for you attempting to 'correct' me, where your evidence failed to move the dial, and in many instances corroborated exactly what I've published, and you were personally ignorant enough not to be able to make the distinction.
You HAVE provided materials which are presented anecdotally, which I've requested as a full transcript from Hucho, Howell, Wolf, etc., which fell on deaf eyes.
1) You say that Thomas Wolf says I'm wrong about Porsche 911 spoilers, then, in his quote, he says the same thing about them as I. But of course, I'm wrong, and he's right. Confused, as anyone under the circumstances would be, I request the actual dialogue hoping to discover where your brain went off he rails, but I'm met with silence.
Under Abraham Lincoln's metric, you are exhibiting cowardice, and it's important to call things as they are, even if you interpret it as abuse.
And I guarantee you that it will continue as long as you choose to hide under the skirts of your mentors, denying the accused, admissible evidence.
In the United States, you would already be in jail for what you've done.
You attack with your tongue. I defend myself with mine. It's very simple.
More pure baloney. Just garbage, mixed with your normal personal abuse.