The seat is like 2 inches thick. I probably wouldn't modify the original one, but I might be able to make a thinner solo seat so I can still get to the battery without removing any fairing I put on it. The only thing under the rear portion of the seat is where the original toolkit goes. I've started putting together my own kit and it doesn't fit very conveniently under the seat anymore.
1973 Fiat 124 Special
1975 Honda Civic CVCC 4spd
1981 Kawasaki KZ750E
1981 Kawasaki KZ650 CSR
1983 Kawasaki KZ1100-A3
1986 Nissan 300zx Turbo 5 spd
1995 Chevy Astro RWD (current project)
1995 Mercury Tracer
2017 Kawasaki VersysX 300
2022 Corolla Hatchback 6MT