I bought the bike new oct. 2017. I've been riding it consistently since, weather permitting, it's got ~11k miles (~18k km's) now and I've always got 55-63 MPG depending on the time of year. I've never had a dirtbike, but wanted to try offroading/overlanding and decided on this given I could live with it on the street if I didn't enjoy the overlanding ("ADV/dualsport"). So far I have taken it on 1 multi-day trip camping just going to different places that interested me around the state. I did enjoy it and want to continue, however it's primary use is definitely commuting. I try to ride in the ecomodder mindset, but I find I'm too focused on watching traffic and potential problems to do it effectively.
I don't really want to aero-mod it, but I am trying to get my house paid off as fast as I can and I know some mods could probably easily bring me up to 70-75 mpg range. I drive about 1000 miles/month just going to work, so not a whole lot, but I've been trying to cut down on everything a little bit.
So that brings me to where I am now. I want to do bolt on aeromods so that I can remove and return to stock should I choose to. I probably won't do much testing other than tank to tank. I've got almost 4 years of fuel log to compare to so that should be a good enough baseline.
Right now I think I will just try to mimic Craig Vetters best streamliners out of coroplast/other cheap and available materials.
Here is an up to date picture. I work 2nd shift so I get off around midnight and need the light (or something similar) for deer-watching. I've been seeing them pretty regularly the last few weeks.
I've been thinking about adding an MPGuino since it is fuel injected, but I'm worried about being water-proof. Both for getting caught in the rain and I usually park it un-covered outside. It does have a built in FE meter, but not as accurate or useful as an MPGuino. It shows instant (averaged over 4 seconds) and average since it was last reset. So the MPGuino may take awhile to pay off in savings since I've already got
something to go off of.
Any thoughts/suggestions?