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Old 01-22-2008, 11:21 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Josie - '87 Toyota Pickup
90 day: 29.5 mpg (US)

Felicia - '09 Toyota Prius Base
90 day: 49.47 mpg (US)
Thanks: 427
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Yeah. Maybe some little bullet cameras, but I worry that if the light levels are too bright, the monitors inside the cab would be washed out, and there you'd be, right back to having no view to the rear. And I'm not keen on having more junk inside the cab of my truck, so I'm not going to go recommending that to you, either.

No, there's no faulting the F-Series, or any of the fullsize trucks, at their capabilities for moving mountains of stuff. If I tried to do that with my Subaru, I could start yesterday, still be at it tomorrow, and still not be done, while you guys with the big rigs drag it all away in one shot. Now, even if you're only getting single-digit mileage, that's still more fuel-efficient than me making a dozen trips. And my Toyota PU isn't much better for the big haulage. Fortunately, that doesn't enter into the equation of my automotive formula.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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