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Old 06-25-2021, 01:16 PM   #30 (permalink)
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identifying errors

Originally Posted by JulianEdgar View Post
As usual, you are misquoting the context of my reply. Maybe you didn't see it, so I will repeat what I was responding to.

"Julian has been a cancer to the site ever since he came on but he writes just well enough to confuse most people. His technical knowledge is shallow."

If my knowledge was shallow, why would professionals in the subject endorse my books?

It seems to me to be a pretty good question.

Addition: Let me put it another way. I am confident in what I write here - eg in identifying errors that Aerohead spreads - because my understandings and knowledge have been endorsed by real experts. If that hadn't occurred, to be honest I'd probably believe some of the BS that Aerohead spreads - but then again, if you've read any aero textbooks or done any aero testing, it's pretty easy to see issues in much of what he writes.
* I'm still awaiting identification of my errors.
* When I've been given any access to actual 'spoken words' from your professional ensemble, they typically corroborate what I've posted.
1) Thomas Wolf, re: Porsche 911 rear spoiler.
2) Joseph Katz, re: 18%-body length diffuser angle for lowest drag.
3) Cooling drag remains a work in progress.
4) Ahmed body will be addressed in a dedicated thread.
5) DARKO/ A2 small wind tunnel blockage-ratio vs accurate drag coefficient inaccuracy case was never established.( I've reached out to Geoff Eaker at A2 Wind Tunnel to see if we can move this topic off dead center )
6) Counterevidence to 'lift' arguments were killed in the crib by Julian Edgar ally Vman455 before it could get off the ground.
7) US PATENT aerodynamic patent illustration accessibility to members and guests has very recently been killed by Vman455.
8) It is my understanding that the 'Modifying Your Car's Aerodynamics....' book received the imprimatur of contributing 'professionals' within the context that the intended audience and market for the book was the lay person, non-engineer, and was never intended as an undergraduate nor advanced study reference.
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