Thread: Getting Greedy?
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Old 06-26-2021, 11:19 AM   #11 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
Massive forest fires are nothing new. Isn't it possible that many of the fires today are the result of massive changes in forest management over the last 30 years? So back at the turn of the previous century we had the worst fires ever before we managed forests. Then we went through a golded period of few fires and strict management. Now we are back to hands off and massive fires. It's like an A-B-A test but instead blame it on C.
The main reason is drought and overseeding (after clear cutting). Trees get less water than they need. Less water means less sap. Less sap means the tree is more susceptible to disease such as pine beetles. In a matter of a few years entire forests all over the state have died. When you have an entire state suddenly have all it's trees die it doesn't matter what forest management did it didn't do.

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