Originally Posted by freebeard
I follow the Recent Posts, but my refuge is in The Lounge (and Aerodynamics). It's as close to 'social media' as I care to be.
Except that, as you know, this is not a general interest social media site. It's specifically a car modding forum. I don't bother myself with the Lounge, so I don't know alot about how stuff plays out there. But, to me, politicized public health policy (especially politicians' mask mandate decisions) is a divisive distraction from the purpose of the forum. The more members engage in unrelated divisive political debates the more difficult it will be to rebuild membership around the core skills and interests the EM site is for. This not a free speech site. It's a membership community with which we freely agreed to limit our speech in order to focus on a shared set of interest. Put another way, it is a free association site with rules about staying reasonably on topic, and not an anything goes free speech site. Anyway, that's the way I see it. I don't need people to agree with me. I can ignore threads and get along anyhow. Cheers, james