Originally Posted by vianney
average consumption at 103km/h (true speed) is 244Wh/km (avg of 3 measures). The Cd I get is more around 0.37 (actually 0.31 is the Cd of the leaf which is much more aerodynamic than the env200, frontal area set apart, so 0.31 I thought anyway it was a bit underestimated, altough there may be as well some economies of scale).
Vans are more aerodynamic than people think, my Renault Trafic had an ECO version that was 0.31 vs the stock version of 0.33. 0.37 was the old boxy shape Ford Transit. There's almost no way the ENV is that bad.
I'm currently trying to find an ENV of my own, I'll be doing an aero trailer rather than a boat tail.