Originally Posted by freebeard
Those are not constants. The heliosphere (and Earth's magnetosphere) constantly shrink and grow.
Cosmic rays/particles arrive at Earth, not all are stopped at the Heliospheric boundary.
So you watched it? Did the overall message sink in, that the compass in your hand can lead to galactic poloidal jets?
Your inverse-square law applies to omnidirectional radiation. Not to plasma sheaths, flux tubes and spicules.
Here's Alfven's 1970 Nobel prize-winning lecture: www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/alfven-lecture.pdf
A lot of it is over my pay grade, I just point toward it.
Blot echos. See Permalink #219.
* Yes, they would the statistical mean average.
* Yes, cosmic particles come right in, as I stated.
* Yes, I watched it. Great video!
* Yes, the needle could, but how would we know a source?
* Plasma is ions and nuclei ( particles ) which could collide with slower-moving solar wind, affecting its kinetic energy, velocity.
* the flux tube is a constant, but not the field its embedded within in. The flux tube doesn't leave the Sun.
* spicules are limited to the chromosphere. They're also plasma ( ions and nuclei ), they don't 'leave' the Sun.