Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-25-2021, 01:04 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
You don't have to agree. But you're not doing to get anywhere by forcing people to believe the truth because you can't force beliefs. People will take you as a closed minded, dogmatic propagandist even if every word you say is the absolute truth.

But go ahead and go start your wars. Once you've tried to make everyone else feel stupid and ignorant see how many really care what you say.
How bizarre. You have no problem with information being disseminated here that is quite wrong?

I've said it here time and time again. Don't believe me - don't believe a word that I say. Go and do you own research, make your own aero measurements, read the aero textbooks for yourself. Then the amount of misinformation being promulgated here will become obvious. Unfortunately, though, nearly no-one here can be bothered doing any of that, and so continue being sucked-in by weird theories, incorrect statements and points taken out of context. In your words I am not sure if that's ignorance or stupidity - or simply intellectual laziness.