Thread: Thank you
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Old 07-25-2021, 01:12 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
I'll just say it one more time, then give up.

If you want to help people, you got to act like you actually want to help them.

What's more important, the patient or the illness?

People are like strings. If you want them to straighten up you have to pull them, not push and prod them.

Bullying others doesn't prove you're right, it doesn't help prove the facts and it doesn't help anyone really.

The best teachers, mentors and role models draw out the good in others.

Even someone with a mountain of evidence can still come off as sounding dogmatic.

If propagandists can get others to believe things without proof, why wouldn't having both proof and persuasiveness not work?

Patience is a virtue. People who don't believe you now may believe you later if you leave the door open for them.

i don't need other people to agree with me to try to help them nicely. I'm trying to help you nicely and you don't agree with me. You can do the same if you only want to.
Sure, but all that is invalid when you have a person here who refuses to correct his misinformation, irrespective of what evidence is presented to show how that information is wrong. For him, night = day if he says so.

And it further becomes invalid when you have people who religiously believe what that person says, again irrespective of any evidence that shows what he is saying is incorrect. For them, if he says night = day then, obviously, it is.

It's all honestly at a scale I have never seen before. Like, when I pointed out the invalidity of The Template, (invalidity in how it was constantly being used) I had people here tell me that I should go and read the textbook references that were being quoted in support of it. Trouble is, there isn't even one textbook that supports how The Template was being used - all the purported links to references were just made up! When you have someone that deluded - and so many followers of the delusions - then normal rules of engagement become quite invalid.

As someone said to me privately, aerodynamic understanding here is just like a cult, with the people so immersed in the cult they think it is normal.