It's not for lack of ideas for additional ecomods for my fleet o' crapcans that I don't post more projects in the forum.
In the past few years, I've simply been spending more time on unrelated projects.
Case in point:
Today: I meant only to balance & sharpen the blade on my saved-from-the-dumpster (many years ago) electric lawnmower.
But when I started scraping the dried grass from underneath, I saw that the surface rust was threatening to become serious rust. So I took it apart, scraped and repainted the whole thing, top & bottom. (Last year I welded little backing plates where the wheels attach because the metal was cracking around the bolt holes due to fatigue.)
Good for another 30 years?
Moral: there's only so much tinker time in a day, and I wasted several hours of it.
I also managed to service the rear brakes on the MPGiata, but that doesn't qualify as an ecomod.