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Old 08-14-2021, 01:16 PM   #50 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Perhaps he's thinking of the Chicken Tax. It killed the Type II Dokka (Double Cabin) and put everyone in Hiluxes.
The Chicken Tax should work to make trucks less popular by making them more expensive to import than a car. However, it didn't work that way and companies just shifted production to North America and trucks are as popular as ever. The Toyota Tacoma is the most popular mid-size truck in the USA and has been for a long time. Toyota just built them in the USA (and has recently shifted all production to Mexico)

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
Completely utterly False

Every state is different, some states have an economy penalty that raises with fuel economy

My old cars are $210, my truck is up from $75 to a whopping $100
Title fee on one of my cars is $500 more than the truck.

That is why I am considering collector plates so I never have to pay again
That is a tax on fuel economy not vehicle type. A 15 mpg Dodge Challenger is taxed the same as a 15 mpg Ram 1500.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
One of my friends has a unused hobby farm and claims farm plates on the truck which exempts him from paying wheel tax and his plates last 2 years instead of one, can’t do that on a car
Farm taxes are not relevant to the VAST majority of vehicle buyers or owners

Pickups aren't popular in the USA today because they are taxed differently. They are popular because people like driving big vehicles, gas is cheap, and fuel economy regulations are lower for light trucks compared to cars.
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