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Old 09-10-2021, 12:21 PM   #404 (permalink)
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Radioactive decay and a frozen Mars

It was from the book, 'Reading The Rocks', by Ph.D. ( structural geology ) Marcia Bjornerud, Westview Press, 2005, that Martian early cooling was discussed.
The 2020 World Almanac has enough data to compare, and, or, calculate the Mars / Earth conditions, which explain the physics of Mars' rapid freezing.
From the astronomical data and section on geometry:
1) Mars, Earth, and Venus are made from the same 'stuff.'
2) Mars has only 71.3% of Earth's density ( a thermodynamic liability ).
3) Mars' magnetic field is 1/ 800th Earth's strength.
4) Mar's gravity is approximately 1/3rd as strong as Earth's.
5) Mar's volume, compared to surface area is 702.1 cubic miles / square-mile.
6) Earth's volume-to-surface-area is 1,319 cubic-miles / square-mile.
7) Earth's V / S ratio is 87.9% higher than Mars.
8) Original radioactive elemental decay interior heat production failed to balance conductive heat loss to space within 1-billion years of formation.
9) At 3.5-billion years ago, all volcanic and tectonic activity on Mars ceased ( it 'froze' ).
10) No longer did volcanoes spew greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide and water vapor into the Martian atmosphere.
11) Mars' weak gravity could not 'hold' the 'fixed' atmosphere, and it boiled off into surrounding space, leaving what today exists as an extremely- rarified atmosphere, 2% as concentrated as Earth's.
12) Mar's average daily temperature is 81-degrees below zero Fahrenheit. The Moon's average surface temperature is negative- 100-degrees F ( with zero atmosphere ). Earth averages an average 59 F, because of it's greenhouse gas atmosphere ( up from 58-F before the Industrial Revolution began ).
13) No other planet in the solar system has warmed in the last 150 years ( despite sharing the same Sun ), except Neptune's largest moon Triton, which has experienced a change to it's absolute ( geometric ) albedo, due to a darkening of it's surface, believed to be from sublimation of blue nitrogen ice exposing red photolysed methane ice underneath.
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Last edited by aerohead; 09-10-2021 at 12:36 PM..
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