Thread: Do Bots Lurk?
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Old 09-10-2021, 05:33 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
The only clear instance I can remember of advertising working was about 15 years ago when I was hungry, watching TV with my dad, and a commercial for the Cowboy pizza came on. I knew I had been manipulated in that moment, and we drove to Papa Murphy's and bought a Cowboy pizza.
There is always some moment when we are willing to get the seemingly most convenient stuff available, and this may be the reason why fast-food ads are so common. With so much competition, the one we see the first ad tends to be the first one we consider.

Things I already know exist seem pointless to advertise.
Even some products which become a genericized trademark, such as BomBril steel sponges in Brazil, often resort to a simpler advertising mostly to avoid losing much foothold to emerging competitors.

There's no amount of Coke commercials that will make me buy more Coke. I'm going to buy the cheap, unadvertised knockoff stuff. I always seek unadvertised goods where possible because I don't like a portion of my purchase price going towards people attempting to manipulate me.
Sometimes an ad might backfire, leading to boycotts and such for instance. When it comes to looking out for "unadvertised" stuff, that's interesting once someone gets familiar with products which often have a strictly regional availability, even though as a matter of convenience most people simply go for the mainstream stuff. But anyway, nowadays so many people prefer to be spoon-fed instead of searching for whatever eventually might serve them better and often at a lower cost.
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