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Old 09-13-2021, 02:43 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jakobnev View Post
This was Thunder Busted a couple years ago:
Wow, that is an annoying bad video full of useless filler. I notice it is from 2019 - before Energy Vault built their 1/4 scale demo unit which was finished a little more than a year ago.

I really got a laugh when he said "there is absolutely no reason to have bricks on the bottom" (of the stack) because "The bricks on the bottom store zero energy" Why are there bricks there at all? LOL! Maybe because you can't have a stack of bricks without one of the bricks being on the bottom.

His basic argument is the pump storage is better and makes up 95% of grid storage. He seems to fail to see that we will need to add a huge amount of grid storage if we switch to renewable energy at scale and we are about out of places to put huge reservoirs of water.
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