I'm baaaack...
... From a five week absense owing to a health emergency. (My dad's, not mine.)
He's on the road to recovery now, but it was a really bumpy road. It was all hands on deck in the family looking after both my folks.
Pretty good genes on my dad's side...
My granddad lived to 96, ate sensibly, exercised regularly, drank in moderation, and was in fantastic health when his hip spontaneously broke one day. He was in the hospital for a short while... when a blood clot got him (stroke). Not an unheard-of thing after breaking a big bone.
My dad's 86, also a reasonably sensible eater / drinker, but not very active compared to Granddad. Maybe not coincidentally, his crisis was also bone-related: spontaneous compression fracture in his spine & paralyzing pain.
Note to self: stay active (I'm more like my granddad... that trait must have skipped a generation). Get enough calcium & vitamin D. Do more weight-bearing exercise.
Note #2 to self: Dad can't ride in the MPGiata anymore! Too low, too harsh on the old bones. Truth is, he hasn't been in it for a couple of years, and he can no longer get in/out of it anyway (on his own).