These corrupt and/or tragically inept politicians think that complex problems are best solved single handedly by them by micro solving the micro problems that spring up as unintended consequences to the previous problem they just "solved".
If people were exposed to real time pricing and had a reliable means of being informed, there wouldn't need to be any "nudge" to "help people make smart choices". Those willing to pay a premium for expensive power can have all they want, and those who can delay consumption until it's cheaper can save.
In a similar vein, the $7,500 regressive federal EV tax subsidy which was a colossal failure is seen by some to to have only been a disaster because seven-and-a-half-thousand dollars wasn't enough of a nudge to get people to buy them. The solution to a very bad idea is to increase it to $12,500. While we're struggling to think of worst possible ideas, I propose that any EV buyer get a free helicopter.
I'm vexed knowing that more than a couple people on earth believe these politicians are genius saviors.
Last edited by redpoint5; 09-15-2021 at 01:33 AM..