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Everyone tells me to stick with 89 to 95 metros because the computers were changed to make them more powerful/less fuel effecient in 96 and above. Can I change the co mputer? if so which one...I know there are several. Thanks
I've heard this before, but I don't buy it.
There's even a similar statement at Wikipedia, which has no citation:
1996 - OBD-II (On-Board Diagnostics, Second generation) is added to Metro models, at a cost of some fuel efficiency.
The engine specs, power wise, are identical across the board except for the XFi. So there goes the "more power" angle.
The biggest difference is that the 95 and up cars were about 200 lbs heavier than the previous models. That alone would lead to approximately 4% lower fuel economy in city driving, according to the EPA's rule of thumb.