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Old 10-04-2021, 03:30 PM   #230 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
90 day: 35.35 mpg (US)

Mid-Life Crisis Fighter - '99 Honda Accord LX
90 day: 34.2 mpg (US)

Gramps - '04 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 35.39 mpg (US)

Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 30.49 mpg (US)
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I kind of saved my laptop. I got someone else to replace the motherboard, but I sold it before it could develop new problems--or the same old ones with the new motherboard. I always complain about how busy I am, but I think that it is like Rimmer scheduling everything in so much detail that he doesn't have time to actually do everything, so he makes a new schedule, and then another.

Except I talk about what I need to do.

In detail.

I am going to try to avoid repeating the specifics I just posted here and follow up with this post.

I am going to need to skim my own posts.

Having bought Mom 2 sets of stainless steel wire rack shelves for the kitchen (I think that we have 10 others throughout the house), she said that she wanted a standalone pantry, so I bought one, and of course, she complained about it.

The funny thing about Mom is that the more storage that I buy her the more junk she buys. I put in a second cabinet and she rarely keeps groceries on the floor anymore, but I periodically bring in a folding table because the kitchen table, counters, and sink are piled high.

I am pretty sure that we have room for a third cabinet...

Despite the wobble, I slept on my loft until I threw out my back. There is just enough room between the foot of my storage loft and Dad's bookcases to squeeze my twin XL bed on a platform, so I can store more stuff underneath.

I made room for that cabinet by moving Dad's huge, heavy, and awkward office printer on top of the filing cabinet in my loft. It just barely fits--as long as I don't need to scan anything.

I finally moved the treadmill to the garage and brought my dresser from storage. Amerisleep sent me the wrong >$1,000 bed. I replaced it with a $450 newfangled Internet mattress from a local store and replaced Mom's $1,000 Casper queen with a $450 Sealy from Big Lots.

She hasn't noticed the difference, but she stopped complaining about feeling like she woke up with a broken back.

The guy who sold me the loft insisted that I took 2 twins, which kept my first twin xl company.

I recently gave away all 5 mattresses through Facebook Marketplace. Some short family took my twin XLs.

I am going to have an electrician put in an outlet inside the garage. The circuit box is on the other side of the wall next to the treadmill, so that had better be cheap!

Mom had better use the treadmill! She always claim that she regularly used it before I moved in!

I try to play World of Warcraft once a week, but I don't always have the time, although I usually log in at least once a day to quickly check my stuff.

I would still enjoy having a Chromebook for maintaining contact with single female Internet weirdos with mobile-only apps, but I couldn't see myself spending money on it.

People compared every Black Friday sale with one that sold out almost immediately. In theory you could buy some exceptional deal and sell it for profit, but it will take months to arrive, and I am unsure that you would actually make money with eBay.

I still haven't found the RAM that I bought for Mom's laptop 20 months ago.

I bought my laptop through and I was supposed to get 12% back, but I didn't.

People claimed that laptops like I ended up buying had soldiered RAM. I shared sources proving that it was removable, but nobody seemed to pay attention to me. People also claimed they were unusable with Zoom, but that was feedback from not using a headset.

I forget where I bought mine. Zoom says to use a USB one. I don't know what difference it makes, but it worked great until I lost it. Now I have a flimsy Logitech on-ear headset for my desktop and a big and bulk over-ear headset for my laptop.

I am still running on the fresh Windows installation that I set up because I couldn't figure out how to image the old hard drive onto the new one. I have an external SSD case now, but right now I have six programs hiding in my start bar and I think that I have 20 on my desktop.

I like how clean this is!

I mended the 4x4 under the shed, but now I want to replace some 2x4s. Should I clear out the shed [yet again], pry off the stringers, tap the nails through the floor, temporarily install the stringers, and run screws through the floor?

Now I want to cut up my foamboard insulation and glue it to the bottom of the shed, but I need to clean it first.

Don't you love cleaning the bottom of a shed?

I still haven't run my ethernet cable through the attic, but I tacked into the corners of the walls, so it is cleaner, and no longer a trip hazard.

I had just written progress reports when I wrote #220. Progress report season opened up 3 days ago. I planned on writing them on Saturday, but I couldn't fall asleep until 11am.

My old supervisor kept rejecting my progress reports and refused to tell me why. She kept modifying my legal documents and telling me to approve them. When I complained to our boss he reassigned us. My current supervisor didn't say a single thing about my paperwork until recently. I just hoped that I was getting paid and at least once I discovered that she rejected notes without mentioning it, so my pay was delayed.

After almost 3 months of trying to get the group home staff to stop no-showing our boss decided to drop them, but told me to fill out a 7-page form they had already requested. That was weeks ago and my current supervisor keeps telling me to redo everything. I asked him how many times, he said "I think this is the last time," and she claimed that I didn't change the last change that I made.

Starting my own agency is more appealing than ever!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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