I wanted to do a full comparison with my various other laptops and Mom's, but I didn't have the time before I sent in both Lenovos--and I had reinstalled Windows on the old one.
I wanted to leave it as-is for the repair minions.
As I mentioned, there is less space between the keyboard and the hinge. It also has smaller top and bottom bezels and I think that it has smaller side bezels than the laptops that I bought in the last year.
Some people give laptops low reviews because, even though they have narrow side bezels, the top and bottom ones are inexcusably thick!
Well, this one doesn't, and it is nice, but I wouldn't have complained about it.
The power button is in a weird location. My old Lenovo had a dedicated power button and my oldest laptop does, too. The ones that I bought this year have the power button on the top-right of the keyboard. Does that give it a minimalist look? I don't know, but laptop keyboards are already crowded and numeric keypads are especially so.
Mom's numeric keypad is narrow, the Enter key is the size of a normal key and the Page Up and Page Down keys are weird.
I haven't used it long enough to learn where all of the keys are, so I need to look at what I am doing.
I just realized that the numeric keypad on my new laptop is slightly narrower than normal, but I didn't notice until I looked closely. It is virtually normal, without a power button and arrow keys in the way.
My gaming laptop doesn't have dedicated Home, End, Page Up, Print Screen, or Page Down keys. The numbers are pushed up, the Num Lock button is where the left side of the 0 key usually is, and it has oversized arrow keys.
The rest have half-sized up and down arrow keys. I haven't played WoW in a couple of weeks, but I have played it like this, and it is fine.
I think that only my gaming keyboard has a Context Menu key--the one on the bottom right that acts like right-clicking.
I normally use that often.
The gaming keyboard also has a screen capture key that I usually hit on accident. I used it a few times to record something to turn into a GIF.
This keyboard has Escape, the function keys, Insert\Print Screen, and then the power button and Delete, so yes, weird spot for it, but it is easier to find with a lit keyboard, unlike the $300 laptops that I bought for myself.
Mom's laptop has it, though!
I have never liked touchpads. It always seems like they pick up my thumb movements when I type, so my cursor moves randomly.
The other laptops let me hit Function and a Function key to turn off the touchpad, but not this one, and for a while it acted like I was holding down the touchpad constantly, so I needed to figure out how to turn it off through the hardware--two ways.
The first way that I turned off the touchpad didn't do anything.
It has a fingerprint scanner, which was cool when I briefly used this before upgrading it, but I haven't set it up again.
However, as I put in the title, about half of the time that I wake up my laptop it doesn't show any network adapters. Troubleshooting doesn't do anything but ask if I want to give feedback.
I would love to, but I would need Internet access!
I haven't looked into it yet. I have been trying to fix problems with my desktop, on top of other problems.
I have only used this for web browsing and chatting with people, so it isn't too inconvenient to reboot it frequently, but I need to fix this or send back yet another laptop.
As for my desktop, [sigh]:
It lost all printers, which is how I make PDFs, even though I have a PDF writer.
That is fun. I paid for a program and when I save a PDF with my registered copy it puts a watermark on it, just like the free version.
When I first bought it I talked to customer service and eventually fixed it, but it came back. I believe that I took care of it a second time, but I just save to PDF--when it works.
I never lost my printers before.
The benefit of printing to PDF is that it makes it more difficult for someone else to alter.
I started trying to figure out why I couldn't print when suddenly I couldn't save to a folder on my hard drive. I started trying to fix that and suddenly I couldn't access File Manager or Control Panel. I found instructions for fixing that, but I couldn't get very far because I couldn't access Control Panel!
The instructions said to create a new administrator account and then copy all of my stuff to it.
I logged out of my main account, logged into the new one, and it seemed like everything worked, but I couldn't remember the exact error code, so I switched back to my main account, and it seemed like everything worked, but the next time that I tried to print it said that I didn't have any printers, and the next time I tried to save to that same folder, after ensuring that I have full access on my hard drive, I still didn't have permission.
It might just be that program. Others were able to save to the same folder just fine.
I am going to fix the desktop first. Right now it is just more convenient to use my laptop even when I am right next to my desktop. The 43" 4k television is great, but this uses less electricity, right?