What? An update? You mean I haven’t forgotten about my amazing wündercar? Shocking!
So yeah I blew up the motor really bad several months ago while I was on a parts run for my Vic (all my cars were broken at the time). I’m not sure if I burnt two exhaust valves or blew the head gasket or what. In any case, looking through a bore scope, my cylinder walls are scarred to hell and back. Even though it still runs on between one and two cylinders, this motor is junk.
Then for about 4 months I’ve been trying to get my pickup driving again, and that has been a disaster. Blew up the transmission and it has been hell getting the replacement en.
But now I’ve got a line on a bunch of parts cars in Sacramento that I can pick through for a good specimen, then tow it back. The ironic part is I don’t even need the pickup to tow it back. The Vic has more towing capacity and unlike the truck it actually has a trailer hitch.
So hopefully updates in the next couple of months or so.