Originally Posted by hayden55
Thats what f uck you money looks like
or maybe a 15 year loan that they do these days on campers
I don't know how much they cost, but it was mostly (all?) blue collar folks in their 50s to early 60s. One guy ran floor washers for a living.
The majority of people become wealthier as they age since they build up assets. That, and the poor spend like they are wealthy, and the wealthy spend like they are poor. My grandfather was an attorney and would forget he had $6k in each pocket of his coat. He'd spend a few years contemplating his next vehicle purchase and wound up with a Chevy Colorado as his last. It was a modest purchase given his means. He also lived in a small (by US standards) 2 bedroom 2 bath house.
There's some balance between spending every penny one has on frivolous stuff, and dying not having enjoyed that which you've spent a lifetime to acquire. I always told grandfather it was his money, so spend it on what makes him happy.