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Old 10-13-2021, 11:34 AM   #352 (permalink)
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would this qualify

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
The CCP freaked out over a black swan in Tiananmen Square.

Would this qualify as a 'black swan'?

I say 'discussion' where Youtube calls it 'denial'. You can't talk about it there, like certain other things.
I believe that we've been instructed not to discuss this sort of thing.
Scientifically, a 'black swan' event would have to do with crossing some statistical 'threshold', based upon some historical empirical database and state-of-the-art numerical modelling.
The all-time-record heat wave, which struck ( and remained struck ) in Anchorage, Alaska in 2020 for instance, would qualify as a black swan.
Water temperatures in the Bering and Chukchi seas.
Arctic wild fires.
Arctic permafrost loss.
Arctic methane release.
Greenland ice sheet loss.
Freshwater pulse to polar seas.
Ocean desalinization.
Ocean surface water warming.
Ocean mid-water warming.
Ocean deep-water warming.
Polar ice-shelf melting from below.
Ocean thermal expansion.
Seal level rise.
Ocean acidification.
Mountain glacier loss.
Climate refugees.
Tropical cyclone rapid-intensification.
The Northern 80% Great Barrier Reef, heated-sea water, toxic algal coral die-off and bleaching, ditto.
On -and - on - and ...............................
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