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Old 11-10-2021, 05:04 PM   #484 (permalink)
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if you would have

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Youtube is cracking down on so called "denier content" and the rules are pretty vague. That's probably why the video title doesn't say "climate change" in the title because youtube already has suspicious observer pegged as a denyer platform.
You are catastrophicallyout of date on the ipcc. If you would have watched the video......
You lecture me on civil discourse after you don't watch the video and attack the source in a juvenile manor? Ha.

Oh so climate change only started after 1840, that's laughable.
1) I threw a caution flag on the play, based on the ambiguous video title. I wanted freebeard, to understand ahead of time, that this is a bonafide issue with S-O.
2) Then I watched the video in its entirety. So now I'm up to date?
3) And then I posted about that with specificity, as to the content, which in no way altered my conclusion about solar climate forcing.
4) You belittle me before the fact.
5) Any discounting of the video content is well-earned. There is no content. Just obfuscation. It ought to be rebutted.
6) 'Climate change', as is currently referred to, is only germane to what's transpired since 1840, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Britain had already cut down and burned most of its forests. Their timber-crisis led to the invention of Newcomen's walking beam, to pump the coal mines dry enough to get the coal to make brick, since there was no more lumber to build with.
7) Britain's Royal Charters in the New World had as much to do with burning down America to produce consumer products for England and its Royal Navy, as it did for oft-mentioned religious freedom in the British Colonies.
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Last edited by aerohead; 11-10-2021 at 05:04 PM.. Reason: typo
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