Space Weather and the MOON
It would be very instructive if, S-O would clarify our lunar neighbor's relationship with space weather.
1) As mentioned before, the Moon is the same distance from the Sun as Earth.
2) The Moon is exposed to exactly the same space weather as Earth.
3) The Moon is actually exposed to 'more' space weather than Earth, due to it's lack of any atmosphere or magnetosphere.
4) Earth has a diurnal-averaged ( positive ) + 59.9-degrees F.
5) The MOON has a diurnal-averaged ( negative ) - 100-degrees F.
6) What would be the explanation for the different average temperatures between the two? ( other than the regolith dust disturbed by walking or by rovers, exposing darker soil and increasing solar heating in the area of temperature sensors )
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Last edited by aerohead; 11-12-2021 at 01:13 PM..
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