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Old 11-13-2021, 08:27 PM   #17 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
They may just be trying to shine some light on a dark corner, and get people talking about some issue
There are some issues actually worth talking about, and doing something to improve, yet not pushing for a nanny-state and forbid anything they dislike as some groups and "activists" do. Those are the ones I usually refer to as the ecoterrorists. I am conservative about many aspects, yet I support biofuels as a better approach than going full-EV for instance, and I do it because I believe in freedom of choice for people who prefer an ICE-powered vehicle and because it might be a good way to increase profitability for agriculture, yet eventually this may mislead some folks to see me as a barefooted weed-smoking hippie
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