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Old 11-22-2021, 02:59 PM   #158 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: The Pas, Manitoba
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Well, I figure I’m just gonna use this thread as a build thread. The thread name is misleading, so maybe I’ll figure out how to change it soon.

Here’s some pics of the car as of late:

Some of these are sideways, sorry about that. I might switch over to my photography camera and laptop to upload better images. Proud of my work on the new front bumper, though . It was gray originally and decimated in a crash, but I got it for $10 and used zip ties/a soldering iron to weld the whole thing back together. Painted it for ~$80, clear coated for ~$20.

One of these images shows the side view of the rear windshield. This is with the front end jacked up, which would make the rear angle even steeper. It seems quite good to me, not perfect but I’m sure there’s good enough flow over it. You can notice the radius along the width of the rear windshield. I plan to tuft test the rear and see for myself.

I’m currently learning how to do/doing the engine swap. I have another D16Y8 engine for it. I could have shot for a more efficient (HX) engine but I got this one for $400 and it’s in good enough condition, so meh. Once I get this in, I’m going to start fixing up little problems in the car, then move to testing some aero mods using cardboard/duct tape.

Edit: Anybody ever try ABS plastic sheet? Julian Edgar used it on several vehicles and it seems robust. Coroplast is cheap and super lightweight, but it didn’t hold up well on my car, and looked very rough. I want something tougher without breaking the bank.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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ID:	31431  

Last edited by JacobLeSann; 11-22-2021 at 03:20 PM.. Reason: P.S.
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