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Old 11-23-2021, 02:55 PM   #475 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Such a thing exists:

They push for what they hate? My professors were pushing the French Existentialists, laying the groundwork for the Marxists. And they talked about the air forces of the USofA and USSR conspiring behind their respective governments backs.

The 'Invisible Hand' Adam Smith?
They've moved right, we're moving left. The only way to compete, is to join them.
* The object is a command and control / capitalist hybrid, with the appearance of public participation. It began in 1888 with corporate 'personhood.'
* Yes, the same Adam Smith, co-opted by capitalists, just like pediphile, Horatio Alger, who became the poster child for free-market capitalists, with his rags to riches B.S..
* Smith hung out with atheists.
* Smith was a monarchist.
* Smith was not a 'Republican.'
* Smith did not advocate for republics.
* Smith witnessed enough abuses of the British East India Company to last him a lifetime. He was no friend of corporations.
* From Smith's home window, he could view the docks, where whiskey was traded for wine. That was the context of his laissez-faire.
* The base commander of the U2 Airfield on Okinawa Island, Japan, had no knowledge of the spy-plane operations. As far as the folks, higher on the food chain were concerned, the General didn't have a need to know what was actually going on on his own base. I suspect that it's the same with the 'White House.' There appear to be folks, whom remain on the job, as presidents come and go, who are tasked with keeping the planet in one piece, despite sabre rattling and geopolitical brinksmanship. After all, some people's careers depend on a stable supply of enemies. And it feeds the necessary 'nationalistic' spirit of the duped citizens, whom may be conscripted from time to time, to do the bidding of the one-percenters.
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Last edited by aerohead; 11-23-2021 at 02:56 PM.. Reason: typo
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