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Old 10-08-2008, 12:51 PM   #13 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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90 day: 36.47 mpg (US)

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90 day: 28.26 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Well, you can't be using no
I've read a few times when people get instant fuel consumption displays how surprised they are at how relatively minor throttle position changes can have relatively big MPG changes.
Yes thats one of the first things I noticed with my mpguino. I can pull back the throttle just a split hair and maintain the same speed but get noticeably better mpg. Maybe it is reducing the load enough to advance the timing and get the added power to keep going. This might be the sweet spot that ac7ss is talking about.

I POC a lot, because I can get double to triple my mpg when doing so, or get infinite mpg with the fuel cut. Sometimes I can also hold the throttle just at the right spot to keep the TCC locked and keep the fuel cut all the way down the hill without losing the speed of a regular POC. Id usually rather POC than go to N, since it is very quick to get back to power again. In my car if I went to N and back to D at anything over 30 mph, the trans would be hunting for like 5 seconds and losing speed and mpg.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver
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