I took the link that I provided to you: IPMF -- Imposto Provisório sobre a Movimentação Financeira+ 1 variant
IPMF -- Imposto Provis
IPMF -- Inactivity-induced Phrenic Motor Facilitation
IPMF -- Indian Project Management Forum
IPMF -- India Product Management Forum
IPMF -- Infrapyramidal Mossy Fibers
IPMF -- Infrastructure Project Management and Finance
IPMF -- Institut Pierre Mendes France
IPMF -- Integrated Pest Management Framework
IPMF -- International Project Management Forum
IPMF -- Israeli Palestinian Media Forum
2) I don't know anyone who has daily, three-dimensional maps of the magnetosphere.
Magnetic Reversal – Official Data, All in One Place
6) have you personally been inside the planet, or out in space to take the readings?
Now you are just trolling. No, have you?
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
-- Sabine Hossenfelder
Last edited by freebeard; 12-22-2021 at 04:04 PM..