Do banana seats have a big handle in the back?
At first I thought that one could strap the wedgiemaker to that big handle rendering it harmless, but you could strap it to the supports of every bike that I have seen.
This seems obvious to me, but I didn't think of it for a day, until you mentioned a banana seat, and nobody else mentioned it.
Sure, things seem obvious to some people, while others never think about it, but what did that criticizer think was the setup? How would the wedgiemaker make wedgies, if wedgiemakers could make wedgies?
You strap it to your underwear?
You strap it to your pants?
It comes with special wedgiemaker shorts that you attach to the wedgiemaker and don to enable the wedgiemaker to make wedgies?
I just don't have any idea how it could be a wedgiemaker.
Why wouldn't it strap to the back of your seat?
It does.
The strap opens up like a hammock because presumably you would rather have a hammock chair than a strap against your back.
So, this is what you get when people want to mock things they don't understand.
I still think it is a terrible idea, but it is the LeafXPro, whatever that means.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4