My desktop has a serial port, so that's a great option for the arduino clone! It's out of stock for now, but hopefully it will be back in soon.
Would I want to PDIP or SOIC ELM327?
One other question about the ebay search of ELM327 gives a long list of like PC to OBDII adapters that use ELM327 for less than $10. Do you think there's any way to harvest an ELM327 from one of those, or would it be impossible to get out intact and usable? Edit: Never mind, looks like all of them have like $25 shipping so it wouldn't even save money....
Finally, I have no idea what this means...I am an electronics novice. "For the ELM interface, note that C5 and C6 are monolithic, the others are standard ceramic."
Thanks so much for all the help. Hope I'm not polluting the thread too much