Originally Posted by JSH
160 / 82 = 2 miles per kWh. That is pretty much the EPA rated efficiency.
Charging at a DC fast charger costs more. You are paying for convenience and it isn't uncommon to pay the same or even a bit more to charge than to fuel a gas vehicle.
Charge at home (where about 90% of EV charging takes place) and there are significant savings over gas.
But on a trip you are paying more and taking much longer. When my wife passed, my nephews friend loaned him his Model 3 to come to the memorial 500 miles away from Seattle. Supposedly to save hin money. I asked if he had free supercharging and he didn't. They actually own a newer Prius, and I told him take the Prius. I think he wanted to experience the Tesla so he took the Tesla. Not only did it cost much more than the Prius would have, gas was still way under $3 and the Pruis would have done the trip on 20 gallons, but it took him FOREVER. We make that trip at least once a year if not more and 8 hours is the norm. He was 12 hours and he agreed in the end while the Tesla is fun around town, they sould have taken the Prius on the highway.