Scott Adams was saying how in CA it's not even really a crime anymore to shoplift. Apparently, if someone is "only" filling a bag full of stolen goods and walking out, that's not even something to call the cops about. But, if you're walking around without a facade of a mask, that's the big crime, and employees will aggressively enforce that important "law". So, if you don't want to be hassled, just fill a bag of stolen items up and walk out.
I saw this in Portland over the weekend; they had about 6 police busting people for doing 65 in a 55, meanwhile a man with a mini sledge hammer was hurling it at the bus shelter and screaming at the top of his lungs how he's going to tear everyone to pieces. Across the street a mentally ill woman was harassing the only normally adjusted people (with small children) I saw and disturbing random businesses, which had no patrons. Biggest problem Portland has is those darn speeders who are ruining the city. Everyone looked to be in despair, and my attempt at friendly engagement just fell into that hole of despair. Mind you, all of the crazy stuff I witnessed was within a 10 minute window, so this is a constant across the city.