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Old 02-13-2022, 11:50 PM   #9 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
Really your gonna argue a modern 1st world country like Japan doesn’t care about pollution? They have an ECU and Cat, the years imported are 4cycle.
I'm arguing that 25 years old cars have far higher pollution than a modern car and there is no reason to add to our supply of old high-polluting cars by importing them from other countries.

A 25 year old Japanese car was alllow

2.10 g/km CO
0.40 g/km HC
0.40 g/km NOx
0.08 g/km PM

A current Japanese car is allowed
0.630 g/km CO
0.024 g/km HC
0.150 g/km NOx
0.005 g/km PM

That is
3.3 x the CO
16.6 x the HC
2.6 x the NOx
16 x the PM

That is assuming after 25 years the emission systems are still operating as new.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
We export millions of older and junk cars in far worse shape overseas
We get back around 10,000 Japanese minicars in good shape that mostly take the place of ATVs, golf carts and side by sides.
Japanese minicars are still legal to be used off-road like ATVs, golf cars, and side by sides.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post

I guarantee these 25 year old cars pollute more than a new car.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
To the north of this state many families no longer own a car and drive road legal side by sides instead, guaranteed that mini cars are much better than the Side by sides that plug all rural roads and side streets around here.

Honestly I would argue importing far more of these vehicles would reduce pollution given they have to have a cat, pass pollution control tests for their model year and are road legal HMS side, far superior to the Smokey ATVs they replace but our local government loves road legal ATVs because of local jobs and $$$.

And yes my Subaru 360 passes smog and it’s not even a 4 cycle, no different than another old car of the same year. It just burns a lot less fuel.

Once again $$$$ overrules common sense let’s run completely uncompliant ATVs on the road instead of clean running efficient mini cars that have an ecu and cat.
Rules vary by state - the AAMVA's position is clear:
States should only register vehicles for on-highway use that pass US regulations for on-highway use.

No ATVs, No UTVs, No golf cars, No foreign mini-trucks or other old cars.
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