No, my desktop could not use the KVM over a normal USB cable and I cannot find a PCI-E USB-C card that supports video.
Also, I wasn't able to plug all of my peripherals into the one KVM port and the 4-port hub, and then my headset didn't work because 4k + 5 peripherals used too many endpoints, a term that was new to me.
I feel like the best solution is to finally find a cheap Office license because everyone with any sense knows that cheap knockoffs just aren't good enough.
Install Office on my laptop, copy over my files, and stop using my desktop?
If I find my USB ethernet adapter with a couple built-in USB ports I could use that, the hub, an HDMI cable, and then with the power cord I would have four things to plug and unplug, but I periodically try to find Office deals.
I am far more confident that I can exchange this KVM for one with HDMI and simplify using 2 machines.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
Last edited by Xist; 02-18-2022 at 05:01 PM..
Reason: knockoffs, not ripoffs