I charge my two electric vehicles for free on alternate days with my solar panels.
OK, it's a big lie but it's feasible in sunny climes. Which only goes to show how irrelevant the question is since it fails to take into consideration all the costs: of batteries, panels, etc. Efficiency = cost, period. That includes energy efficiency: energy efficiency = [financial] economy, period, or to state the case a bit more safely, energy efficiency is a function of dollar economy. Now you might argue that this is only true when the cost of transportation is high, including the cost of transportation of food and fuel for workers, but that effect is visible with our current inflation largely generated by high fuel costs. Moreover the environmental costs of battery manufacture and renewable energy in general leave EVs way behind fossil fuel vehicles unless we really believe that burning coal and such presents an existential danger. And that is the most nonsensical of any of these premises. --AGF