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Old 03-03-2022, 01:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
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New UN Climate Report = we've hit 'tipping-points'

The Director of the UN was on PBS NEWSHOUR last night mentioning the new climate report. He said that we'd hit some tipping points now.
Those acquainted with what that means will understand.
A close friends' daughter, who'd married an Australian national, got word that his parents, in New Queensland, had lost everything in the recent historic flooding there. And it spread south.
Not 'IMBY' quite yet, just folks I've met and know.
It's not just Australia.
Wildfires, Floods, Megadrought, cattle and fish losses, and irrigation collapse, crop failures in Iraq, $1-billion/mile AMTRAK tunnel repair cost from Super Storm Sandy, 90% cattle loss in areas of W. Africa, Brazilian floods, 4- Tropical cyclones striking Madagascar, up to 3-feet sea level rise in 5-years if Thwaites Glacier goes, Putin's having to refrigerate the ground supporting GAZPROM infrastructure in Siberia due to melting permafrost, 100% collapse of the grape harvest in Champagne, France..................
Interesting times.

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Last edited by aerohead; 03-03-2022 at 05:21 PM.. Reason: add link
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