Originally Posted by redpoint5
I attribute all misfortune to global warming, and no fortune to it.
I heard that Covid was a direct result of global warming, and Robin Williams would still be with us if not for the pending doom.
The IPCC reports are a product of attribution studies conducted by the contributing scientists.
As far as the state-of-the art goes, these works represents a time-delayed representation of the best information available.
We know that these reports are always behind the curve temporally, because of deadline for publication constraints, so , by default, are 'conservative' in their conclusions.
I suppose that your snarky remarks are allowable under Ecomodder protocols, although don't move the ball down the field, one way or another.
As I sit here, the students across the street at the university are incurring tens of thousands of dollars in debt to purchase information and knowledge.
It's remarkable to me that people want to complain when someone tells them, 'for free', that their children are being poisoned by the municipal water supply.
I don't get it.
The IPCC reports are in the same spirit as the local 'boil-water' health department notice, just on a greater scale.
But go ahead and let your children swim in 80+ F, brain-eating amoeba-infested pond. Obviously, the local health department is only there to ruin their halcyon days of Summer vacation.