Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I figured catastrophism was real in 2011 when part of the Pacific plate moved 9 feet west and 40 to 60 feet up/down with in a minute or 2 after hearing "they only move 2 inches per year". Yeah 2 inches on average but occasionally meters at a time.
And then again in 2014 when Arizona flooded so hard topographic maps had to be redrawn after that one flood.
Even casual observations seem to warrant the existence of catastrophism.
1) Plate tectonics is outside the boundary of climate science, although does live within the boundary of pseudo-science. I promise to summarily dismiss any mention of it.
2) If the 2014 Arizona flooding was 'historic', then it might garner special attention as an outlier ( black-swan ). 'Atmospheric rivers' are one of the phenomena predicted to increase over time, as increased evaporation follows on the heels of increasing temperature.