7) I'm not permitted to tell you what I actually think of him.
In any case I find the daily Space Weather reports make me feel more informed.
Right now I'm listening to
Scott Adams Episode #1677
all right here's my question
how many of the things i just mentioned
are included in climate models
do the climate models include in them
any assumptions about
co2 recycling breakthroughs
i'm sorry plastic recycling breakthrough
co2 farming sucking it out of the air
fusion breakthroughs
ukraine war which will change everything
about energy prices i don't know which
or what's going to happen but it's going
to change things and then the pandemic
which of course changed commuting
patterns rather quickly etc
none of that's in there right
let me just say again
this is stuff that largely happened this
or ish right
these are gigantic variables
that just sort of popped into existence
nobody saw it coming