I hear the Canadian Previa came with a tachometer in the dashboard.
The body in white was available for pre-order a few years ago at $17K.
https://buy.motorious.com/articles/n...w-vw-bus-body/ Coincidentally, the last 'just restored' example I saw was $17K. I let go of the panel van as a roller at $5K, but it would have need $10K to be ready for a powertrain.
Show season is coming up, the Woodburn drag strip Bug-run sounds iffy but Springfield Greman's Father's day show and swap is definitely on. I can report back. Last time, a few years ago there were $75K buses shown.
Someday soon, the Xbus
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The XBUS is the most innovative and modular light vehicle in the world. It generates a daily range of up to 200 km via its integrated solar modules and recuperating drives.