Originally Posted by oil pan 4
One side constantly makes dooms day predictions, is always wrong, makes more dooms day predictions and seems to have no doubt they'll come true this time.
Which side do you think is closer to reality?
I think by any legitimate standard these people are crazy. It's not about politics or normal behavior. They're nuts and they're out of touch with reality and the world just doesn't work the way they think it does.
Agreed, but...
I was just contemplating this, and the minority opinion is 99% (or something like that) of the time wrong. The probability that global warming is an existential threat to humanity is exceedingly small, and probably those that focus their attention on it are wasting their time. But, minority opinions are always the ones that prove could have been useful in hindsight. Take shorting the housing bubble, for instance. They were whackos that were absolutely right.
My instinct on this is still that pulling out our hair over global warming is a waste of talent, but I'm willing to be wrong. As with all things, politics poops in every realm of academic inquiry, and somehow we like it that way.