Did they do their due diligence?
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tornado_Alley
Tornado Alley is a loosely defined area of the central United States where tornadoes are most frequent. The term was first used in 1952 as the title of a research project to study severe weather in areas of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.
Speaking of canoes, I learned that the Haida war canoes
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Northwest_canoes contested the Fraser River Gold Rush so The British armed them, resulting a 60ft dugout canoe with
https://www.washington.edu › uwired › outreach › cspn › Website › Classroom Materials › Reading the Region › Discovering the Region › Texts › 4.html
Four canoes of Indians came this morning and [the natives] remained on board until nightfall. FRIDAY, MAY 30. At 5:30, both boats saluted with 11 cannons in honor of King San Fernando of Spain. We also collected eight more casks of water. SATURDAY, MAY 31.