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Old 04-07-2022, 01:48 PM   #771 (permalink)
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wired 2012

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Now that's incoherent. He really loses it when caught in a lie.
Here is an article using small words not written or referenced by Ben Davison explaining the dangers and chances of another solar super storm.
1) They show a flare.
2) Like I said, flares fall back into the Sun.
3) WIRE mentions 'mass' as in 'Coronal Mass Ejection', but because they're a 'journalist' and not a 'scientist' they don't even realize they've performed a nomenclature malfunction when they did it.
4) oil pan4 didn't pick up on it either, implying that he doesn't comprehend it as well, which gives me no confidence that he understands the subject matter. Which appears to be a long-honored tradition with him.
5) The time window ( shelf-life ) for the event has come and gone, and correct me if I'm wrong, but nothing ever happened to Earth.
6) I was supposed to run around with my hair on fire, expecting to be incinerated by a CME, which never appeared.
7) Not a penny was lost.
8) If a portion of a flare detaches, creating a CME, we have a highly- electrically-conductive plasma of electrons and atomic nuclei released into the steller magnetic field, which is itself variable in intensity, and variable in orientation, due to Coriolis effect and Parker Spirals, along with a 25-day period for solar rotation.
9) Oilpan 4 needs to share the science which demonstrates 'anyone's' ability to predict if the earth would intercept the path of a randomly-rotating-and-spiraling CME, otherwise, it smells of intellectual dishonesty on his part. Or just ignorance. No way to know.

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